About a week ago, I described
El Labirinto del Fauno to my girlfriend as an alice-in-wonderland-like film, thinking it was a fairy tale of sorts. After watching it Friday morning, I realized I couldn't be more farther from the truth.
El Labirinto del Fauno is not for kids. It's Rated R, I believe, because of the gruesome violence. It's grim and it's depressing. Faces will be bashed mercilessly, guerrillas will be tortured, cheeks will be ripped open, and fairies will be eaten alive. Definitely not Wonderland material.
Spoiler starts here.
A few minutes into the movie, I knew something was wrong. A girl is bloody and is definitely dead. Her name is Ofelia and the movie tells her last days. She's a fairy-tale stricken kid whose mother is pregnant with her new stepfather, Captain Vidal. He's one eeeeeeeevil dude.
The night they moved in with him, she was led by a mantis-turned-fairy into an intricate garden where she was met by a faun. There, the faun told Ofelia that she was a princess, daughter of the King of the Underworld. but before she could enter her kingdom, she must successfully fulfill three tasks.
Suffice to say, Ofelia finished two of her tasks. For the final one, she was asked to "spill the blood" of an innocent, which was her newborn brother. She refused and in return she was abandoned by the faun, left to be shot by her stepfather. During her final seconds, we are shown a scene of her entering her father's throne room, wearing a beautiful gown fit for the grand castle. The faun declared that by saving her brother, she has proven herself to be the true Princess. After some applause from the creatures of the Underworld, the scene winked out. Ofelia was shown dead, with Mercedes (their resident maid) weeping over her limp body.
After watching I immediately went online to see what others are saying about the ending (I even found
this creepy site). None of what other people wrote worked for me. The way I see it, El Labirinto has two endings, depending on who is watching. One is a dead Ofelia, for those who doesn't believe, who got tired of believing, and who refuse to believe. The other is a happy Ofelia living with her true parents, for those of us that are kids at heart, never failing to wonder and question what's real and not.
Spoiler ends here.
>>Continue reading "El Labirinto del Fauno: He ate the f*ckin fairies!!"
Posted byfaraday
el labirinto del fauno,
pans labyrinth
My friend Ronapot owes me a shower of Boy Bawang for mangling her blog. She writes good stuff. Be nice, head over there and be her friend. Hope this will be your last blog Rona.
>>Continue reading "Blog Attack: Ronapotski"
Posted byfaraday
blog attack,
boy bawang,

It's been a while since I last visited Rancid's Official Website. They have a new welcome image now and their Spring 2007 album is still a go. One thing they've added is the Rancid Live! page where bastards with enough cash can buy recordings of their previous live shows.
Buy?? Not free?? Yup. Apparently they can't get enough cash. To all of Rancid's crew: STOP DOING THAT! Cut us some slack dudes. Set your music free DAMN IT!!!
Anyways, also visited Tim Armstrong's blog, Rats in the Hallway. It's a photoblog of some sorts with a couple of videos and liner notes. Good stuff.
>>Continue reading "Blog Attack: Rats in the Hallway"
Posted byfaraday
blog attack,
rats in the hallway,
tim armstrong
Aimee - ballroom dancing with her mom
Kim - on a date
Rona - probably sleeping
Muddy - movie house (daw)
Rom - no reply
Uncle Harold - no reply
Atan - no reply
Me - blogging
>>Continue reading "Saturday Night"
Posted byfaraday
random musings

An old acquaintance asked me last night if I had news on the Sagada 11. Like the first time I've heard of them, I can't help but feel I should've done more. I should do more.
About the same time a year ago...
From the Autonomous Media:
On Feb. 14, 2006, a group of 11 anarcho-punks from across the Philippines set out on a trip to Sagada... The punks, who were 15-24 years old and knew each other through groups like Food not Bombs and Earth First, were anticipating a nature trip in one of the most beautiful and remote parts of the Philippines. They never arrived.
Instead, Police stopped the truck they were hitching a ride on, and ordered the group to get down at gunpoint. Without any explanation, the police detained the 11 travelers, kicked, beat, manacled and blindfolded them, and confiscated their belongings – including a camera with photos of their activities over the course of their trip, and cell phones which would have allowed them to alert friends and family of the situation.
The prisoners are: Darwin Alagar (age 21, Urdaneta Pangasinan), Rundren Lao (age 24, Davao City), Jefferson Dela Rosa (age 22, Pasig City), Metro Villegracia (age 24, Davao City), Neil Russell Balajadia (age 25, Pasig City), Ronron Pandino (age 23, Laguna), Arvie Nunez (age 23, Lucena City), Aldous Christian MaƱosa (age 19, Pasig City), Anderson Alonzo (age 18, Davao City)
Neil Russel Balajadia. Russel. I can't exactly point when, maybe around 2002-2003. Muds and I was outside comedydotcom, a little-known bar in Pasig. A lean guy approached us selling bootleg tapes and cds. Said he noticed Muds' leather jacket and thought we might be interested. We were but we didn't have any money so he excused himself. When he came back he had two plastics with straw filled with beer. We knew we made a new friend.
I was sure I knew the others as well, or at least seen them before. Parts of me were struggling to get involved, but I didn't. I did sign the
petition though.
I searched around this morning and found this.
The nine backpackers who were arrested in February for their supposed involvement in a communist raid on a military detachment in Mankayan town would spend Christmas with their families after a local court ordered their release on Wednesday.
What happened to these guys are just plain wrong. I hope they don't let it end like this. Anyways, hope to see guys again soon.
>>Continue reading "Solidarity, love and unity"
Posted byfaraday
police brutality,
sagada 11,
serious news
my name is rjramones. a recovering punk. a mediocre artist. an aspiring writer. a frustrated singer. an alcoholic poser. a never-was. not even a has-been.
i'm rjramones and i'm a corporate sell-out. a capitalist's whore. a willing victim. something i swore years ago i would never be.
my name is rjramones and i can't help but sing along whenever i hear an air supply song playing. i love introvoys therefore i hate afterimage. one song i'll take with me until i die is roots radicals. i wish operation ivy is still around. my favorite line? if that's what they call normal then i'd rather be insane...
my name is rjramones. from the streets of pasig. as of this writing, still living with my mom and brother. out of my 20 something childhood and highschool friends, only eight remain. i've been loving my jellyace for 10 years now. she's my life.
my name is rjramones. this is my blog.
>>Continue reading "About Me"
Posted byfaraday
about me,