This post is what you get when (i) one of your best friends leaves the country for work, (ii) have a Red Horse induced debate about the future, and (iii) read The Alchemist the following days.
I always dreamed of being a musician. The first time I picked up a guitar, I knew I was destined for greatness. I've been through a lot of bands, and none of them made shit...
12th Rib/Ashe's Blue Sun - Highschool. Me on guitars, Joel, Jester and Atan. We played covers, mostly what's popular on the radio. My most memorable gig ever. Me wearing a over-sized Bench shirt and a red baseball cap pulled down low while playing Machine Head by Bush. The most embarrassing song I've ever played. Where's the Love by Hansons. We broke up after high-school, but we all remain the best of friends.
Super Combo 2000 Experience - Yea the name suxxaxx. Highschool side band. Me on guitars and backing vocals, Rom, Ramon and Ubi Jan. We played Weezer covers and some Goldfinger. Just for fun, but we did play at some private parties. We never really broke up. We are all still friends.
Pasig Punks/DIY - Please don't ask about the band name. Me on vocals and guitars, Muddy, Bangky and Baby. Formed around 2000 AD, we played Rancid, Operation Ivy, Ramones etc. We also have some songs of our own. We don't go live unless we are (or at least I am) drunk. Fiestas, parties, contests, bars, name it, we were there. I've learned that gin tastes much better when sipped through a plastic straw. They booted me out because I was always late. No hard feelings, we're still friends.
Guy and Pip Experience - A one practice session affair, around DIY period. Me on bass, Ubi Jan and Kuya Kim. We played Kim's originals. The plan was to go to Quezon for a Battle of the Bands. I backed out. Still good friends, though.
The Outsiders - After DIY. Me on bass, Jun Veggies and Mang Lars. No gigs, just practice sessions playing mostly Ramones and Clash covers. I left them. They continued and are doing well now, so I've heard. Still friends.
Girlfriend - Around 2003 or 2004. Me on bass, Flormar, Francis and Ubi Jan. Strictly originals. Yes, we played once (or twice??) at Mayrics, thanks for asking. We agreed to boot me out after I went AWOL one practice. They did well after I left, an album under Monopond and an NU spot. Oh well... still friends.
Casillas/No Problem! - My good friends from DIY gave me another chance to shine. Me on guitars, Muddy, Bangky, Russel and EJ. When I joined, they mostly played oi and oldschool punk covers at undergorund gigs. Several arguments later, Russel and EJ were out, and Maki came in. We played several originals plus some good old ska and punk. On our last gig, a half-naked man with a bottle in his hands pulled the plugs of our amps and told us to go home. We did. We are all still best of friends.
...but I did take home some good stories to tell my grandchildren.
...and I will blind the world...
Friday, March 30, 2007
Posted byfaraday 4 comments
Labels: 12th rib, ashe's blue sun, casillas, diy, girlfriend, guy and pip experience, music, no problem, outsiders, pasig punks, random musings, super combo 2000 experience
8 Albums That Changed My Life
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Use Your Illusion II (Guns N' Roses)
The year was 1992 and I was in fifth grade when my brother joined the 7 million who bought the second part of the Use Your Illusion double album. My young and impressionable mind stood no chance. Upto this day I could still whistle along "Civil War."
In Utero (Nirvana)

In Utero was a welcome change after numbing my brains with Bon Jovi, Extreme, White Lion and the likes, even though I understood just a tenth of what Kurt was singing about back then (come to think of it, until now). I'm afraid and ashamed to say that I may be one of the reasons Kurt burnt out.
Blue Album (Weezer)

I was sold after hearing him say his name is Jonas and he's carrying the wheel. A bandmate lent me the album, and it took me a year to give it back. Rivers Cuomo is still one of my favorite singer/songwriters.
...And Out Come the Wolves (Rancid)

Singles (The Specials)

I truly think this album was crap when I first listened to it. After finding out that they were one of Tim Armstrong's influences, I immediately went record bar hopping to find any Specials' album. It wasn't until years later that I started to realize the genius of Jerry Dammers.
Energy (Operation Ivy)

Their drums sound like aluminum basins. Their guitars sound like my acoustic after it fell down the fourteen steps of our staircase. The vocals is barely comprehensible. Still, I was (again) left staring at our karaoke, smiling from time to time as I comprehend a line or two of lyrics. My favorite album, barnone.
The Harder They Come Soundtrack (Various Artists)

This album came to me at a time when I was tired of hearing my friends' oi/street records. Aside from leading me to dig old-school Jamaican music, it also made me realize that I am indeed getting old. My favorite pick-me-up song, "Sitting in Limbo", can be found here.
Dirty Reggae/The Aggrolites (The Aggrolites)

The Aggrolites' authentic reggae beats and the gruff, slightly angry voice of Jesse Wagner gave me exactly what I am looking. A perfect mix of aggression and cool.
If you bastards would like to discover new music, I would suggest the following sites:
RegnYouth Archives
Posted byfaraday 1 comments
Labels: aggrolites, gnr, mobtownskasounds, music, nirvana, operation ivy, pandora, rancid, random musings, regnyouth, the harder they come, the specials, weezer
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