05/17/07 UPDATE!!! - Oh No! Found Oh No, Cold Blooded, and Among the Dead today. And if I'm not mistaken, the hunt is over. Be sure to check out 'A Poet's Life" in stores on May 22. See ya'll in the pit, bastards.
05/03/07 UPDATE!!! - Added Translator. I thought it's one song a week?!?! Or did I miss this from before? Anyways, The Aggrolites kicked ass with this one.
05/02/07 UPDATE!!! - Added Lady Demeter. Another reggae tune with a country feel. Maybe it's just me. Maybe because of the harmonica. Lady Demeter video is set in Japan. So japaniice!
2nd 04/27/07 UPDATE!!! - The sites I've found are all bastards. I went ahead and worked the internets' magic using vixy. All available mp3s and videos can be downloaded through RapidShare now. Tim, I hope you don't mind this great service I am providing to all your fans...
1st 04/27/07 UPDATE!!! - It looks like the hunt will be much easier than expected. Tim Armstrong's myspace posted all the songs and videos currently available. Found Take This City today.
Epitaph recently announced that starting April 17, new songs for Tim Armstrong's solo album, A Poet's Life, will be available every Tuesday. Fans (ehem!) are to hunt down the songs and videos on various blogs, sites and social networks. All songs for A Poet's Life will be downloadable for free as a token of Tim's appreciation to his fans.
A Poet's Life started out August last year with the release of Hold On, followed by Wake Up. Last March, the third track Into Action, was first heard on KROQ-FM. All songs featured The Aggrolites as Armstrong's back-up band. Into Action also features sweet vocals from Skye Sweetnam.
On May 22 the whole album will be available for sale and will come with a bonus DVD with 10 new videos.
Here's a list of mp3s and videos that I've found so far. I'll try to update as soon as I find new releases.
You will need to install DivX Codec to play videos found here.
If you find something not here, be a good boy and drop me a comment. Keep comin' back, I'll soon have this completed!
The Hunt for Tim Armstrong's "A Poet's Life" MP3 and Videos
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Posted byfaraday 2 comments
Labels: a poets life, aggrolites, among the dead, cold blooded, epitaph, inner city violence, lady demeter, mp3, music, oh no, skye sweetnam, take this city, tim armstrong, translator, videos
NOFX in Manila PICS!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
My apologies to my good friend Muddy Ramones for not being able to come. My Corporate Overlords needed me... Anyways, I bet they had fun.
NOFX played in Amoranto Theatre last April 18. Yes, that was a Wednesday. Frontacts were Fastpitch, The Ambassadors, Urban Dub, and Hong Kong hardcore imports King Ly Chee.
Here are some cool shots from other cool people who made it.
These are from adrian. Check his site for more...
Posted byfaraday 0 comments
Blogger Beta Templates and Widgets
I swear this would be the last time I change my blog's theme. I might change the header and colors a little bit, but this new blogger template would be my last.
If you're like me, meaning you've spent about a week searching, you probably know that there's not enough Blogger Beta templates around. The good ones are few and far in between. So here's a list of sites with templates that doesn't suck.
And that's it. Now if you want to go DIY, you can find some help here:
But I'm guessing you already know that...
For useful beta blogger widgets:
Posted byfaraday 6 comments
Labels: blogger beta templates, blogger beta widgets
Happy Birthday Aimee!!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
Hola! Today is April 20 and it's my jellyacey's birthday. Happy 2_th birthday Aimee! See you later. Give her some love and greet her you bastards...
And a happy birthday as well to the following people:
- 1972 - Carmen Electra, American actress, best known from Baywatch.
- 1964 - Crispin Glover, actor, best known for Willard and Back to the Future.
- 1964 - Andy Serkis, Gollum! Gollum!
- 1905 - Colin L. Powell, former United States Secretary of State.
- 1889 - Adolf Hitler, a gay bunny wabbit.
- 570 - Muhammed, founder of Islam.
Posted byfaraday 4 comments
Labels: adolf hitler, andy serkis, birthday, carmen electra, crispin glover, muhammed, random musings
Jollibee in the City: Ep01
Saturday, April 14, 2007
One sunny day Jollibee decided to take a stroll along the streets of Manila. To his surprise, when he checked his pockets, his Jolli-wallet was gone!!!He braved the early morning traffic on his Jolli-scooter looking for signs of his Jolli-money.
Finally, on an intersection, he found his suspects. He asked them nicely to return his Jolli-wallet...
Seeing that they won't return the stolen goods, Jollibee peed on their car.
Thanks to marlvinlao.
Posted byfaraday 1 comments
Labels: jollibee, random musings